Posts in Small business tips
How to spot when it's time for change in your business

When you run your own business, the best part is that you call the shots. You get to decide when you work, who you work for and how you’re going to run things. The worst part? You call the shots. When things feel off, when the work isn’t flooding in, when you’ve lost your motivation, you’re the one who has to roll their sleeves up and fix it. So I’ve put together this checklist to help you recognise when it’s time for change in your business.

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How to choose an ethical bank

If you’re casting about for a sustainable switch that feels important, practical and is achievable in a day, here it is: change your bank. Switching to a responsible provider is a strong statement against unethical practices and a guarantee that your money is being used to make life better. Find out why and how here.

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What to do when you're feeling negative

As humans, we’ve evolved to react faster, stronger and for longer when we have a bad experience compared to a good one. A client sends you first draft feedback. Even if there are two small criticisms in a sea of compliments, which ones do you dwell on? Luckily, there are things we can do to outrun this negativity bias. Here I share what worked for me.

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6 things to get you through winter

Most of us are back in lockdown. Only this time the nights are longer and the days are colder. It’s not the easiest. I don’t know about you, but I’m leaning on small comforts to find quiet pleasure in these still days. What I’m about to share isn’t rocket science. But for me at least, these have been little slivers of light in darker days.

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How to turn your period into your power

What if your monthly cycle wasn’t something that held you back? What if it could help you be more creative, productive, focused and confident, right when you need to be? This year, I discovered cycle tracking. I learnt that by understanding the four phases of my menstrual cycle, I can use them to my advantage. In this post, I offer ideas to help you make the most of your own monthly rhythm.

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