Posts in Brand messaging
What is brand messaging? A brand language glossary

When it comes to copy, sometimes, you know exactly what you need. Maybe it’s words for your website or the packaging for your latest product. But sometimes, you’re in need of something less defined. That’s where brand messaging comes in. The trouble is we strategists and marketers have lots of confusing words for the different tools and we don’t always agree on what these words mean and what the tools do. Here, I’ve given explanations, practical uses and real-life examples for each, as well as hints to help you write your own, if you like.

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How to spot when it's time for change in your business

When you run your own business, the best part is that you call the shots. You get to decide when you work, who you work for and how you’re going to run things. The worst part? You call the shots. When things feel off, when the work isn’t flooding in, when you’ve lost your motivation, you’re the one who has to roll their sleeves up and fix it. So I’ve put together this checklist to help you recognise when it’s time for change in your business.

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