Why work with a sustainability copywriter

If you’re a sustainable business and you’re thinking of working with a copywriter, it may be that a sustainable copywriter is on your list. Here, I make the case for working with a sustainable copywriter (full disclosure: because I am one).


Maybe you’re a small green biz, looking to level up your copy. Or perhaps you’re a bigger brand who’s refocusing their efforts on sustainability and needs a bit of guidance on this exciting journey.


Because our values align

Is there anything lovelier than working with someone whose values match your own? Not only are we rowing in the same direction in terms of your copy, but we already agree on what’s important to us. That means no dodgy marketing tactics, no sleazy sales talk and no impersonal processes.


Because I know about sustainability

I’ve worked with lots of sustainable and ethical service providers and brands before, so I know my carbon footprint from my cognitive bias, my microplastics from my marginalisation. I also know about your customers, what they want and what turns them off. I’m clued up on other businesses doing good things and I’ve studied how they speak and what they say.


Because I’ll keep you safe

Greenwashing is the scourge of the sustainability movement. Unscrupulous brands plaster over their unsustainable products and processes with overblown claims or dodgy marketing. The trouble is, sometimes we can greenwash without even realising it. Since the Green Claims Code came into play, big brands like Oatly have gotten in trouble with the government for making claims they can’t substantiate. I can help you navigate these tricky waters and keep your green claims clean.


Because I get it

I know how challenging it can be to run a sustainable business, because I run one too! So not only will you get a copywriter, but a confidante to share your business woes with. If you don’t yet have a support system in place, I can even introduce you to others in my network who are going through the same things you are.


Because me being sustainable makes you more sustainable

You’ve worked super hard to minimise the footprint of your products or make your services as ethical as possible, so why would you throw it all away working with a non-aligned service provider? I use ethical banks, practise green online habits and many other things to minimise the footprint of my business and therefore yours.


You can read more about my current policies and goals here.


Want to chat about your sustainable business copy? Get in touch.