6 things to get you through winter

What I’m about to share isn’t rocket science. But for me at least, these have been little slivers of light in darker days.

1. Food

It’s safe to say that food is more than just fuel on cold, dark days. With that in mind, meet the mug cake.

That’s right, you can make a cake in a mug. In the microwave. In under five minutes. 🤯

Or try these mug cinnamon buns on a weekend morning.

2. Jigsaw puzzles

It’s fortunate for my dignity that I’m not the only one who uncovered a mild puzzle addiction during the pandemic.

A tweet from Robyn to Sally that reads, “I ordered a jigsaw puzzle! Can’t believe how much I’m looking forward to it arriving. What’s happened to me? Laughing emoji.”
A reply tweet from Sally to Robyn saying, “Yay! What did you order? I’ve almost finished the perimeter of mine. I found myself making little “woo” noises every time I put a piece in place last night. My partner is worried for me. I’m worried for me.”

The first few pieces were so dull. Now I’m hooked. Try it, we won’t tell.

3. Movement

When you’re feeling low, moving your body can help. It doesn’t have to be difficult, you don’t even have to sweat. Five minutes of gentle shifting about can unload some of the darkness of the day.

This dance workout is the most fun you can have in leggings and a sports bra. Or try Adriene’s gentle and compassionate yoga videos.

4. Nature

Even if it’s just ten minutes each day, look at the sky, feel the ground beneath your feet and take a few deep breaths into the bottom of your lungs.

5. Community

As well as weekly chats with my besties, I find plenty of comfort in our freelance community. Whether it’s Sophie’s Sunrise Club or the Female Copywriter Alliance.

6. Hope

It’s cheesy, but it’s out there. Writing down five things we feel hopeful about can pull us out of an emotional slump.

If you’re feeling crappy, don’t suffer alone. My DMs are always open to vent, moan or just chat shit.